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Gameplay Framework + Network

With the previous information about Unreal Engine's Server-Client architecture and the common classes we can divide those into four categories:

  • Server Only - These objects only exist on the server
  • Server & Clients - These objects exist on the server and all clients
  • Server & Owning Client - These objects only exist on the server and the owning client
  • Owning Client Only - These objects only exist on the owning client

“Owning Client” is the player/client who owns the actor in question. You can see this the same way as you own your computer. Ownership becomes important for “RPCs” in a later chapter.

The following two graphics show you some of the common classes and in which of the categories they exist.

Common classes layed out in the four categories mentioned above.

The second graphic demonstrates an example of a dedicated server with two connected clients.

Venn diagram of the classes in a dedicated server with two connected clients example.

Common Classes