📄️ Introduction
This Compendium should only be used with a base understanding of the Singleplayer Game Framework of Unreal Engine.
📄️ Network in Unreal
Unreal Engine uses a standard Server-Client architecture. This means the server is authoritative and all data must be sent from the client to the server first. After which the server validates the data and reacts depending on your code.
🗃️ Gameplay Framework
7 items
📄️ Gameplay Framework + Network
With the previous information about Unreal Engine's Server-Client architecture and the common classes we can divide those into four categories:
📄️ Dedicated Server vs Listen Server
Dedicated Server
📄️ Replication
What is 'Replication'?
📄️ Remote Procedure Calls
Other ways for Replication are so-called “RPC”s. Short form for “Remote Procedure Call”.
📄️ Ownership
Ownership is something very important to understand. You already saw a table that contained entries like “Client-owned Actor”.
📄️ Actor Relevancy and Priority
📄️ Actor Role and RemoteRole
We have two more important properties for Actor replication.
📄️ Traveling in Multiplayer
Non-/Seamless Travel
📄️ How to Start a Multiplayer Game
The easiest way to start a Multiplayer Game is to set the Number of Players, in the Play Drop-Down Menu, to something higher than 1.
📄️ Additional Resources
Here is a somewhat unordered list of additional resources that could help you learn multiplayer or just serve as additional little bits and pieces.